Our Story

It is in our basic biological imperative to desire to be social and to connect with other people!
My name is Sheriff Akanni and after I graduated college, I didn’t have a job and I was completely broke for months. My desire for financial freedom made me think to myself, “How low will I go for a specific financial reward?” If you know me, you know I love to ask questions, and all my life, my dream has been to see my family have intentional time together getting to know more about each other in fun and creative ways. So I created Limbow Cards, a fun and interactive card game that helps break the awkward silence in the room, and assists in creating conversation! There are 120 questions in this game and I made sure that ALL 120 questions were family friendly. I’ve been working on this card game for 3 years, and I’m so happy I finally get to share it with the world! Let me take you down memory lane with every stage of production throughout the 3 years of working on Limbow Cards!
Limbow Cards Prototype - created in December 2017
Limbow Cards Prototype
First Sample Box with the old Limbow logo


Second sample box (it was HUGE!) 
Final design with our first mass shipment
Final Limbow Cards box design